What They Don't Tell You About Having Big Dreams

What They Don't Tell You About Having Big Dreams

Big dreams, and big goals come with big problems. People don’t tell you that, but they should. It doesn’t mean you are doing anything wrong [although some may interpret it that way, from time to time]. It’s just part of it. An initiation, per say.

Sometimes we naively think one day we will reach a level in our lives, or careers where our problems magically vanish. Then, we can become demoralized when this is not the case. In reality, when our goals get bigger, the problems we will have to solve get bigger in scope, too. There will always be a challenge that we must rise to face. I mean, can you imagine the kind of problems that someone like Elon Musk must deal with building rockets? I expect there is no such thing as a small problem when building spacecraft. 

The words “this is what you flew here for” are often said in our house as a playful reminder that major frustrations, and seemingly insurmountable odds come with the territory of independent filmmaking. If you want to be a serious anything, you are going to have to deal with some serious problems from time to time. Don’t give up when the going gets tough. Don’t take it personally. It is a test. Get creative. Find excitement in the challenge, and get comfortable being uncomfortable. Growth does not come from ease. Remember, if you want it enough, there is nothing you can’t overcome. This is what you flew here for. 


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