Regardless of where you stand on if it was a good idea for a non-Mike the Tiger to be trotted around Tiger Stadium, the results speak for themselves.

The uproar over Governor Landry’s decision created a divide, and conquer effect within the community, and the Tiger’s team shield began to suffer greatly in the days before kickoff against our greatest rival. (self) SABOTAGE! As it became weaker, and weaker, most will agree things “just didn’t feel right”. . . and then it rained.

So, what now? Are we jinxed? Are we hexed? Well, I’m here to tell you that we are only cursed if we want to be.
My new book Energetic Athletics: Introduction to Curse Management is now available, and will teach you (athletes and fans) how to protect yourself from everyday curses that cause unnatural errors, injury, and losses. No matter the sport, in less than 60 minutes, you can learn how to defend yourself while optimizing, and elevating your personal abilities, and gameplay.
Get it here, and get it fast! Let’s bounce back stronger than ever, Tigers.